Sunday, March 4, 2012


Karol Kisiel, conductor of Repertorio Vocale ensemble, commissioned  from me a piece for to be performed during their trip to Karol's hometown, Gdansk. The piece is called Молюсь оконному лучу (I pray to the sunbeam from the window) and is for 12 voices and a string trio. Poem by Anna Akhmatova. 

The premiere was in Tallinn's Swedish st. Mikael's church on February the 3rd. Outside was -24° so the church was quite cold but that did not prevent the performers in doing an exelent job. Two days later we went to Poland. 

Laur Eensalu, Karolina Normak and Theodor Sink played the srting trio at the Tallinn concert.

Here the choir is rehearsing in Gdansk with Łukasz, Liliana and Natalia that played the string trio part. 

Gdansk is a very beautiful city.

We had a concert in Sopot, a small town between Gdansk and Gdynia.

The tempature in the church in Sopot was even lower than in Tallinn (!)

From the concert in Gdynia.


  1. So here they are, all the photos you always make when there`s a concert. Good memories. Karolina.

  2. Yes, I try to document everything. It's always so nice to work with you Karolina, hopefully we'll do more of it.
